Brookmans and Berkeley Wealth regularly act as independent professional trustees for trusts ranging from small trust arrangements with only one asset such as a portfolio of quoted investments to complex trusts holding property, investments and cash. We place great emphasis on our professional, objective and confidential approach and will do everything we can to protect our clients’ interests.

There are a number of trusts that may have independent professional trustees including
- life interest trusts – this is where an individual, known as a life tenant, is given the right to receive income only, whilst preserving the capital for others after the death of the life tenant.
- discretionary trusts – none of the beneficiaries has a fixed right to any particular share of the trust fund. Instead the trustees have discretion as to which beneficiary benefits and to what extent. Discretionary trusts can be used to protect your beneficiaries from unfortunate relationships, profligate lifestyles etc.
We can help you decide on the type of trust which will best suit your circumstances and whether you need to include a trust in your Will to preserve your assets and protect members of your family or whether you need to set up a lifetime trust for loved ones.
We will explain the law to you in plain English and we guarantee that our advice to you will be practical, realistic and suitable for your lifestyle.
The benefits of appointing independent professional trustees are considerable. The specialist knowledge, expert opinion and years of experience mean a far greater level of skill and care in creating the right trust for you. Our personal service and objectivity means we can manage any potential conflicts of interest and spot and solve potential problems at an early stage.